Jumat, 28 September 2012


Aligning Marketing Effectiveness White Brand Strategy

Marketing effectiveness is defined as making marginal improvements to the marketing mix. The strategic position can change,  specially when that change is supported by proper data-based analysis. Improved marketing effectiveness should not lead major changes in the 4Ps ( Price , Place, Product, and Promotion), but only minor changes. For example , consider the following :
·         Price
A temporary price change can be considered as a tactical changes; e.g., buy one get one ( BOGO ) free is essentially 50 % off, but , for most brand, a permanent change of 50 % would probably be considered a strategic change in position.

·         Place
Adding incremental new channel and shelf space , or moving from the food and drug channel into convenience stores, can be in alignment with the strategy. Entering a whole new type of channel, on the other hand, may be considered a strategic change.

·         Product
Adding new attributes to a product can be considered a simple competitive initiative or a competitive response, but doesn’t necessarily change the strategic position of the product or brand. These attributes could be additional scents, flavorings, or software features.

·         Promotion
Changing the flighting or media spend levels would normally be considered a tactical change, but to shop advertising altogether for a heavily supported brand would be considered a strategic.

Now consider a similar differentiation along the 3Cs dimensions;
·         Consumer
Improved segmentation, based on lifestyles as apposed to demographics, would be a tactical improvement to drive incremental sales of electronic video games to teens and the X-generation. However, targeting these games to seniors in the “greatest generation” might be considered a strategic change. Responding to a consumer boycott of a specific brand or series of brands, such as French wines, could be considered either tactical or strategic, depending on the type of action taken.

·         Chanel
Developing a channel certification  program that increases the number of certified value-added resellers would be considered a tactical change in the channel. Conversely, providing your software for download directly from your website might be considered a strategic change, designed to undercut and short-circuit your current channel partners.

·         Competition
Responding to a temporary competitive price cut could be considered tactical, whereas permanenty setting your pricing 20% lower than the competition might be considered more strategic.

There is a continuum of change that can be made in any of the 4Ps or 3Cs dimension; some more tactical in nature, some more strategic. As the analytics surrounding improved marketing effectiveness become more sophisticated, marketers can begin to make improved tactical and, sometimes, improved strategic decisions.

There is a continuum of change that can be made in any of the 4Ps or 3Cs dimension; some more tactical in nature, some more strategic. As the analytics surrounding improved marketing effectiveness become more sophisticated, marketers can begin to make improved tactical and, sometimes, improved strategic decisions.
We have to become more creative and deliver programs that can drive more revenue and profit at the same cost and we have to prove that they are better than any previous program.
Many statistics reveal the following;
·         Thousands of products are launched and quickly fail
·         Most sales promotions lose money.
·         Most advertising investments are wasted ; “ Half of my advertising is wasted; I just don’t know which half.” – John Wannamacher’s famous quote.

“ More money is wasted in marketing than in any other human andeavour ( other than government, of course ).”


Aligning Marketing Effectiveness White Brand Strategy

Marketing effectiveness is defined as making marginal improvements to the marketing mix. The strategic position can change,  specially when that change is supported by proper data-based analysis. Improved marketing effectiveness should not lead major changes in the 4Ps ( Price , Place, Product, and Promotion), but only minor changes. For example , consider the following :
·         Price
A temporary price change can be considered as a tactical changes; e.g., buy one get one ( BOGO ) free is essentially 50 % off, but , for most brand, a permanent change of 50 % would probably be considered a strategic change in position.

·         Place
Adding incremental new channel and shelf space , or moving from the food and drug channel into convenience stores, can be in alignment with the strategy. Entering a whole new type of channel, on the other hand, may be considered a strategic change.

·         Product
Adding new attributes to a product can be considered a simple competitive initiative or a competitive response, but doesn’t necessarily change the strategic position of the product or brand. These attributes could be additional scents, flavorings, or software features.

·         Promotion
Changing the flighting or media spend levels would normally be considered a tactical change, but to shop advertising altogether for a heavily supported brand would be considered a strategic.

Now consider a similar differentiation along the 3Cs dimensions;
·         Consumer
Improved segmentation, based on lifestyles as apposed to demographics, would be a tactical improvement to drive incremental sales of electronic video games to teens and the X-generation. However, targeting these games to seniors in the “greatest generation” might be considered a strategic change. Responding to a consumer boycott of a specific brand or series of brands, such as French wines, could be considered either tactical or strategic, depending on the type of action taken.

·         Chanel
Developing a channel certification  program that increases the number of certified value-added resellers would be considered a tactical change in the channel. Conversely, providing your software for download directly from your website might be considered a strategic change, designed to undercut and short-circuit your current channel partners.

·         Competition
Responding to a temporary competitive price cut could be considered tactical, whereas permanenty setting your pricing 20% lower than the competition might be considered more strategic.

There is a continuum of change that can be made in any of the 4Ps or 3Cs dimension; some more tactical in nature, some more strategic. As the analytics surrounding improved marketing effectiveness become more sophisticated, marketers can begin to make improved tactical and, sometimes, improved strategic decisions.

There is a continuum of change that can be made in any of the 4Ps or 3Cs dimension; some more tactical in nature, some more strategic. As the analytics surrounding improved marketing effectiveness become more sophisticated, marketers can begin to make improved tactical and, sometimes, improved strategic decisions.
We have to become more creative and deliver programs that can drive more revenue and profit at the same cost and we have to prove that they are better than any previous program.
Many statistics reveal the following;
·         Thousands of products are launched and quickly fail
·         Most sales promotions lose money.
·         Most advertising investments are wasted ; “ Half of my advertising is wasted; I just don’t know which half.” – John Wannamacher’s famous quote.

“ More money is wasted in marketing than in any other human andeavour ( other than government, of course ).”

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Break A Way Of Your Mind

Kehidupan... ibarat gelas kaca,, begitu riskan . Bagaimana kita untuk bisa membentuknya.. dan mengisinya. 
Sebisa mungkin kita berharap membentuknya seindah dan semenarik mungkin,
Satu saja kecerobohan bisa berpengaruh besar, bisa saja bentuknya tak sesuai dengan hal yang diharapkan yaitu keindahan yang sempurna. 
Sadar bahwa Kesempurnaan tak akan pernah bisa dicapai. Begitupun kehidupan ini, berbuat dan berpikir tidak akan sempurna, Kesempurnaan hanya milikNya, dan kita hanya bisa berjuang untuk bisa mencapainya dengan berusaha untuk menjadi lebih baik dan terbaik semampu kita.
Dengan apa kita mengisinya, adalah bagaimana kita memaknai kehidupan ini. 
Baik ataukah buruk adalah pilihan. Kehidupan adalah pilihan ,untuk itu diperlukan sebuah pengorbanan. Tinggal bagaimana kita menyikapi kehidupan ini untuk bisa lebih indah dan bermakna.

break a way of your mind

sekarang mungkin,,,, kau bisa tertawa kan aku.
setelahnya.... tangisanmu tak lagi bisa membasuh kesalahanmu yang telah kau buat
maaf,, krn kau telah meremehkanku . tak banyak kata kata peringatan untuk membantumu,,,
maaf, krn aku hanya kau anggap butiran debu  dan angin berlalu... Siapa aku?? bkn siapa.siapa
maaf, krn aku dengan apa adanya telah kau lemparkan ke dalam penyesalan
aku akan terus langkahkan kakiku  beranjak dari sisi perjalananmu. Bintang akan terus bepijar menyelubungi jagad raya... meski di dalam kesendirian yang gelap. Cahayanya akan tetap abadi... Dan bintang tak akan pernah kesepian... dan akan ceria sebagaimana ketulusannya untuk membagikan cahayanya .
salahkan aku... krena ketulusanku... salahkan aku... karena perasaanku... salahkan aku ... karena kehadiranku.
sepuas dan sebisa yang kamu ingini... semua itu tak akan menghalangi apapun dariku...

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

One Day In the Night

di dalam keheningan itu... di suatu malam yang gelap. kami hanya bisa membatu kehilangan inspirasi untuk mencairkan kebekuan. entah apa yang terlintas dalam benaknya, akupun tak yakin akan keadaan saat itu.
" hmmm...nggak ada bintang" tiba tiba dia mulai mengawalinya lagi
"bintangnya kan disini..."celetukku yang spontan terlontar...